Rolling cigars is a very personal and meticulous task. Some people enjoy the art of rolling, while others just enjoy the finished product, but we can all agree that the whole point is to enjoy the process. We have the perfect products to help smokers obtain the flavor, texture and aromas of a premium quality hand rolled cigar without hazels or complications. Uiii products are made from only the finest quality and highest grade natural tobacco leaf. Our virgin cigar wraps have never been tainted by low grade filler tabacco, and are all natural and always fresh for a perfect and consistent smoke every time.
Jay Levi
DeveloperEric M. Dorsett
DesignerDon Johnson
EntrepreneurGet in touch
Feel free to contact us through your most convenient method. You can find us online at our many sites, social media, office and platforms listed below
Puerto Rico
185 Candelero Drive, Fairlakes 666, (00791), Humacano, PR.
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